
More Quantum Cuteness

bya Gabrielle at 8:04 PM

Quantum is slowly getting used to Phil and me.   I can now take some videos of him without him crabbing like crazy and trying to run away.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to get a video of him gliding soon. He can’t glide that far because he is still technically a baby, but he is slowly getting more brave.  Enjoy the videos.




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Umm . . . Thank You

bya Gabrielle at 4:51 PM

Last week, an applicant walked into work.  He had been in a few days earlier trying to find a job.  Regrettably, we didn’t have any positions that he qualified for – like a lot of people.  With the economy the way it is, there aren’t near as many jobs available as there used to be.  I thought that he may be coming back to see if any new positions had become available, but that turned out not to be the case.  Instead of using our computers to surf for jobs, he took out his wallet and handed me a folded up piece of paper.  “I wanted you to have this,” he said.  It was a poem he had written.  Why he wanted me to have it, I don’t know, but I thought I would share it with you guys – misspellings and all.


life hasn’t been good

with god’s leadership u have hope

u have the ability, determation and willingness

in spite of the odds

i’m here and willing to help anyway possible

i don’t promise it’ll be easy

i know u can find joy, happiness and freedom

with hope and faith u will suceed

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Quantum Doing A Whole Lot of Nothing

bya Gabrielle at 5:00 PM

Quantum is usually far more active than this video shows, but since he is nocturnal, he sleeps all day and stays up all night.  I just wanted to let you guys see him.  When I can catch him doing something really interesting at night, I’ll post it.


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Introducing Quantum, Our Sugar Glider

bya Gabrielle at 2:51 PM

I know all of you are chomping at the bits to find out what exactly Phil and I purchased at the Pendergrass Flea Market, so I won’t keep you waiting any longer.

Everyone, this is Quantuam, the 9 1/2 week old Sugar Glider, weighing in at about 1 oz.

It was very, very difficult taking his picture.  He kept trying to hide on my back, where for the most part he is out of my reach.

Isn’t he just the most adorable thing you have ever seen?

He hasn’t bonded with us quite yet.  That could take a while, but I think he likes us a lot better since we brought him home on Sunday.  He doesn’t seem to be biting me as much as he was.  Thankfully, his bite isn’t that bad.  It only feels like a pinch.  Now that I am used to it, I just laugh at him when he tries to ravish my fingers.

So far his favorite foods are grapes and apples.  I tried feeding him some meal worms, but he didn’t want anything to do with them.  He needs protein though, so Phil cooked him some scrambled eggs last night – which he seemed to enjoy.  Supposedly, he likes chicken, too, but we haven’t fed him that yet.

I have a video of him, but for some reason it looks like complete crap on YouTube.  I’ve got to figure out why, and then I will come back and post it here.  Until then, enjoy the pictures!

Quantum chilling on my arm.

Quantum chilling on my arm.

Quantum chilling on my shoulder.

Quantum chilling on my shoulder.

Quantum sleeping in my hand.

Quantum sleeping in my hand.

Quantum thinking about attacking the camera.

Quantum thinking about attacking the camera.

Quantum hiding his face with his tail.

Quantum hiding his face with his tail.

Quantum being cute.

Quantum being cute.

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Kids Really Do Say The Darndest Things

bya Gabrielle at 12:00 PM

Shopping for my brother’s birthday gifts, I over heard a conversation between a little boy and his father.

The Little Boy:  “Germs are fluffy.”

Father: “No they aren’t.”

The Little Boy:  “Oh, yeah, that’s right.  They are little black bugs that live in your body.”

It made me smile.

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One Year at USC

bya Gabrielle at 5:47 PM

One year down, a half a billion more to go before I can retire.  🙂  And only four more years until I am vested!

Time flies by so fast.  I look at my calendar and I know it has been a year since I started working for USC, but it sure as heck doesn’t feel like it.

For the most part, I think my job has been pretty good to me.  It’s not real stressful, and my co-workers are nice.  Like everyone, I wish I got paid more, but oh, well.  Maybe one day. Not this year, though.  Not even a percent.  🙁  It’s the economy’s fault and the fact that I work for the State.

Perhaps the coolest thing about my job is that I can take one free class a semester.  I have yet to take advantage of this – mainly because I can’t decide what I want to do yet.  I debating if I should take ballroom dancing in the fall.  Anyone want to do it with me?

And actually, my one year at USC was on February 13th, but I was too lazy then to blog about it.

Oh, and I’ve finally scanned in all of my postcards, so I hope to start doing an Ana thing, soon.  People seem to like it.  Plus, it will give me something to blog about and I will learn in the process.  🙂

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American’s Have Foul Mouths

bya Gabrielle at 11:40 AM

While waiting in line at Shoney’s breakfast buffet, I overheard this conversation between two waitresses.

Waitress 1: “You know what?  Never mind.  I’ll wipe down your tables for you.”

Waitress 2: “I just love working with assholes.”


While walking out of Spencer’s, I overheard this conversation between two young men.

Young Man 1: “Don’t hit my burn.  What the fuck were you thinking?”

Young Man 2:  “. . .  . . .”


Waiting for my mom in the food court of the mall, two girls walked past me.

Girl 1:  “Well, your such a fugly bitch!”

Girl 2: “laugh laugh laugh”


I just love listening to what people have to say.

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Who Are You?

bya Gabrielle at 6:07 PM

A long time ago, I created a post that asked who my readers were.  I was curious.  Most bloggers are.  And well, I’m still curious.  Plus, I think enough time has passed to take roll again.  I’m pretty sure that my viewers have changed a little since I left China and started writing about my daily life here.

So, if you would be so kind to drop me a comment, letting me know you are, how you found me, or anything else you feel like sharing, I would greatly appreciate it.

The last time I did this, I got six comments.  This go around, I am going to shoot for the stars and hope for eight.  If you commented last time, and you are still with me – thanks.  Feel free to leave me some love again.  🙂 Comments, as you know, make me extremely happy.

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Beware of Zombies

bya Gabrielle at 7:00 AM

I was reading through some of the Yahoo! news yesterday and came upon something very amusing.  Apparently, pranksters have been hacking into electronic road signs and replacing the real warnings with things like “Daily lane closure due to zombies”, “Raptors ahead – caution”, and “Zombies in area. Run!”.  So far it has happened in Collinsville, Illinois, Austin, Texas, and a county in Indiana.

Photo by Chris Nakashima Brown

Photo by Chris Nakashima Brown

Had I been an actual witness to any of these signs, I probably would have crashed my car laughing hysterically.  I would so pay money to see something like that on my way to work.  It would so break up the monotony of my day.  You can read the rest of the article here.

Finding out Michael Phleps’ smoked up at the University I graduated from just isn’t good enough.

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I Love Steve FM

bya Gabrielle at 11:09 AM

96.7 WLTY AKA Steve FM is by far my favorite radio station in Columbia.  I love it because it is a no nonsense type of station.  It does what a radio station should do – play music – any kind of music – all the freaking time.  I don’t have to listen to some stupid disc jockey yapping in my ear about stupid stuff I don’t care about.  I get to listen to music – a nice range of music.

Steve FM’s slogan is “Playing Whatever We Want”, and I think for the most part they do.  There are certain types of songs they play more than others, but just when you least expect it, a song you have either A) never heard of or B) haven’t heard in ages comes on.  I think I listen just to see what will come on next.  🙂

The reason I’m talking about Steve FM is because the other day, driving home from work, a kick ass 80’s song I have never heard of before came on the radio.  I racked my brain trying to figure out who was singing it, but no bands would come to mind.  And since Steve FM doesn’t tell you what song or band is playing, the station’s only real pitfall, I had to try and memorize the lyrics so that I could type them into Google when I got home.  Traffic was horrible, so by the time I did get home, many of the lyrics had escaped me.  All I have to say is, thank God for the internet.  Thank God for Google.  And thank God for YouTube.  I can’t really imagine life without them.  🙂

I thought I had just about heard every 80’s song there ever was, but apparently not, because some how this song has stayed out of my radar since 1988.  Phil said he heard it before and that he knew I had, but I really believe I haven’t.  It was even in the credits of “Napolean Dynamite”, but I really don’t remember hearing it.  Perhaps I didn’t watch the credits.  I don’t know – either way, I think it is an awesome song, and thought I would share it with you.  The name of the song is “The Promise” and it was done by the band When in Rome.


That isn’t the orginal video, of course, but I liked it much better.  Do any of you remember this song?

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