

bya Gabrielle at 8:38 AM

Texas Wildlife

Another card from Texas, this one from Austin.

It took 6 days and traveled 1,043 miles.

Having lived in New Mexico, I’ve seen many of those animals, but not sure I’ve ever seen a wild armadillo, alive or dead(on the side of the road) or even at a zoo. Strange looking creatures, but in a cute, I want to cuddle with you way. 🙂

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July 4th at Goodale State Park

bya Gabrielle at 8:05 PM

Hrm . . . how did these ever slip by me?  Very good question.  Well, I suppose late is better than never, or so they say, right?

This isn’t the best picture of a dragonfly that I have taken, but I really did love his color.  I chased him around for  a good ten minutes before he decided to sit long enough for me to get this picture.  I tried getting closer, but he kept flittering away like I was scary or something.  The nerve of some dragonflies!

If it is purple, I might take a picture. If it is purple and happens to be a flower, I must take a picture.  This little flower reminds me of a picture I took at the Wanshi Botanical Garden in Xiamen, China, way back when, but it isn’t quite as frightening. Still pretty, though.

My camera may be awesome, but it wasn’t quite as awesome as I needed it to be in order to capture this little guy in complete focus.  There were a bunch of lizards out and about that day, but he seemed especially interested in the Canon I had hanging around my neck.  Had I not hear him scurrying underneath the leaves, I seriously doubt I would have ever seen him.  He almost blends in perfectly with tree.

Once upon a time, I used to take pictures of benches, and I had this crazy idea that I was going to make a coffee table book entitled, Bitch’n Benches and Some Pretty Flowers.  Like many of my ideas, he never took off, and I never made my coffee table book.  I still take pictures of benches, though, just in case.

Even though spiders freak me out, I love taking pictures of them.  I love looking at and admiring them, but the instance they touch me – all bets are off!  I have an awful habit of getting too close when I try to use my macro lens. On more than one occasion my lens has touched the spider or the web, and well, I might as well have petted them when that happens because I always instantly transform into Little Miss Muffet and start screaming as I aim for the hills.  Spiders are beautiful, but I hate each of the eight freaky legs!

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Quantum Doing A Whole Lot of Nothing

bya Gabrielle at 5:00 PM

Quantum is usually far more active than this video shows, but since he is nocturnal, he sleeps all day and stays up all night.  I just wanted to let you guys see him.  When I can catch him doing something really interesting at night, I’ll post it.


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Introducing Quantum, Our Sugar Glider

bya Gabrielle at 2:51 PM

I know all of you are chomping at the bits to find out what exactly Phil and I purchased at the Pendergrass Flea Market, so I won’t keep you waiting any longer.

Everyone, this is Quantuam, the 9 1/2 week old Sugar Glider, weighing in at about 1 oz.

It was very, very difficult taking his picture.  He kept trying to hide on my back, where for the most part he is out of my reach.

Isn’t he just the most adorable thing you have ever seen?

He hasn’t bonded with us quite yet.  That could take a while, but I think he likes us a lot better since we brought him home on Sunday.  He doesn’t seem to be biting me as much as he was.  Thankfully, his bite isn’t that bad.  It only feels like a pinch.  Now that I am used to it, I just laugh at him when he tries to ravish my fingers.

So far his favorite foods are grapes and apples.  I tried feeding him some meal worms, but he didn’t want anything to do with them.  He needs protein though, so Phil cooked him some scrambled eggs last night – which he seemed to enjoy.  Supposedly, he likes chicken, too, but we haven’t fed him that yet.

I have a video of him, but for some reason it looks like complete crap on YouTube.  I’ve got to figure out why, and then I will come back and post it here.  Until then, enjoy the pictures!

Quantum chilling on my arm.

Quantum chilling on my arm.

Quantum chilling on my shoulder.

Quantum chilling on my shoulder.

Quantum sleeping in my hand.

Quantum sleeping in my hand.

Quantum thinking about attacking the camera.

Quantum thinking about attacking the camera.

Quantum hiding his face with his tail.

Quantum hiding his face with his tail.

Quantum being cute.

Quantum being cute.

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Blue Tit

bya Gabrielle at 7:00 AM



I can only imagine what type of people are going to end up at my blog with a title like Blue Tit.  I guess it doesn’t matter how they get here, as long as they get here, and most importantly, stay.  Although, if they are looking for anything other than a Blue Tit bird, they will sadly be disappointed when they do arrive.  🙂

The sender of this card said, “It is a very common bird in Finland and stays here the whole winter while most birds are spending winter time somewhere in warm southern countries.”

I at first thought she was talking about a type of bird we have here in South Carolina called a Tit Mouse, but when I looked it up in Wikipedia, I found they are different types of birds, although, they do come from the same Tit bird family – the Paridae.

In Finnish, a Blue Tit is called a Sinitiainen, and they only have a lifespan of about 1.5 years.  Blue Tits are considered valuable destroyers of pests, like aphids, but can also be annoying pests as well.  They sometimes pull off the buds of various trees in search of insects to eat.  Another thing I found interesting, is that a pair of Blue Tits will use the same nesting box year after year.  When that pair dies, another pair will take its place.  Wikipedia didn’t say, but I guess that means they mate for life.

This spring I want to go bird watching. I hope that I can take pictures like the one above of the various South Carolina birds.  I’ve tried getting pictures of the ones in my yard, but they hide too far up in trees and won’t sit still for nothing.

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Old Photos of Random Stuff

bya Gabrielle at 11:37 PM

I was going through the pictures on my computer and decided to post a few that have never made it on this little blog of mine before.  As you can tell by the dates on the pictures, they are all rather old.  I need to go through all of my China pictures and see if there are any interesting ones I forgot to post.  I’m sure there has to be a few.  Phil and I took something like 5,000 pictures.  And if there aren’t any more photos, I’m sure there are still a few blog worthy videos.  I’ll try to find some this weekend.

I’m anxious for spring to roll around again.

I love taking pictures of flowers for some strange reason.

I am pretty sure that this was taken at Swan Lake in Sumter.

Maybe I will go again this year – get their when more flowers are in bloom.

RIP Dopple

Dopple was my favorite orange cat ever.  He totally could have been a real life Garfield.

RIP Morgan Rose Ireland Yvette DeWitter

She was the best kitty ever!

RIP Thames

Thames talked with every step he took.  He was one strange kitty, but I still loved him.

I found this grasshopper behind One Eared Cow Glass several years ago.

He stayed on that stick just long enough for me to snap a picture of him.

I don’t even know what this is, but it’s scary!!

Anyone have any idea what this critter is called?

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Animal Videos

bya Gabrielle at 3:38 PM

I was looking through some of my old videos and thought I would post them here for your viewing pleasure.

The first one is off a piggy scratching his bum.  I found him at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens located in Charleston, South Carolina. I’ve always wanted a pig, and came real close to buying one in China, but Phil wouldn’t let me.  Meanie!!


I love feeding ducks.  I used to go to a pond near my house all of the time, but they have now made it illegal or something like that to feed the ducks.


I used to volunteer at Carolina Wildlife Care, a non-profit, wildlife rehabilitation clinic located here in Columbia.  It was a great experience and I was able to see a lot of wild animals up close.  One of the cutest animals I saw there was a Blue Grey Gnatcatcher.  I wanted to put him in my pocket and take him home.  Sorry about the video quality. My old Kodak didn’t like close up shots.


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Some Birds, Flowers, and Other Random Stuff

bya Gabrielle at 7:00 AM

Flower. Pretty. Nuff Said.
Flower. Pretty. Nuff Said.

I found this little guy hiding on one of the flowers I was taking pictures of.  The strange this is right after I took the picture, he vanished.  Since he is a jumping spider, I made sure he wasn't on my camera or anything, but I never found him.
I found this little guy hiding on one of the flowers I was taking pictures of.  Right after I took the picture, he vanished. Since he is a jumping spider, I made sure he hadn’t jumped on my camera, but I never found him.  I think jumping spiders are really cool, right up until they jump on me. 🙂
I think I have taken a million pictures of flowers.  I don't know why I like taking pictures of them so much.  I see them, and it just sorta happens. Yeah, I know, I have a problem.
I think I have taken a million pictures of flowers.  I don’t know why I like taking pictures of them so much.  I see them, and it just sorta happens. Yeah, I know, I have a problem.
I found it humorous, but I wanted to kick the butts of the kids who did it.  That is how I know I am getting old.
I found it humorous, but I wanted to kick the butts of the kids who did it. That is how I know I am getting old.
Muscovys are ugly birds, but their babies are adorable.  I can't wait til spring rolls again so I can take pictures of them.
Muscovys are ugly birds, but their babies are adorable.  I can’t wait til spring rolls around again so I can take pictures of them.
What can I say about a bird feather? Had I not been in such a hurry, I think I could have gotten a better photo.
What can I say about a bird feather? Had I not been in such a hurry, I think I could have gotten a better photo.
This fountain is located in Lake Carolina, a housing subdivision.  The company my mom works for made it.
This fountain is located in Lake Carolina, a housing subdivision. The company my mom works for made it.
Another shot of the fountain located in Lake Carolina.
Another shot of the fountain located in Lake Carolina.
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Critters Not Paying Rent at Riverbanks Zoo

bya Gabrielle at 7:01 AM

I think this is the last of them.  Enjoy!
I just happened to see this not-so-cute caterpillar hiding underneath a leaf as Phil and I walked around the zoo. If I was a bird, I would not want to eat this critter.

I just happened to see this not-so-cute caterpillar hiding underneath a leaf as Phil and I walked around the zoo. If I was a bird, I would not want to eat this critter.

One day, I am going to attempt to take a picture of a bee, get to close to it, piss it off, and get stung.  Last time I checked, I am allegric to wasps.  Don't want to find out if the same holds true for other winged critters with a stinger.

One day, I am going to attempt to take a picture of a bee, get to close to it, piss it off, and get stung. Last time I checked, I am allegric to wasps. Don't want to find out if the same holds true for other winged critters with a stinger.

I found this guy in the Botanical Garden section of the zoo.  I love spiders, I do, but man, getting close enough to take a picture of one freaks me out.  Why couldn't God make spiders cute?

I found this guy in the Botanical Garden section of the zoo. I love spiders, I do, but man, getting close enough to take a picture of one freaks me out. Why couldn't God make spiders cute?

I guess this Anole is using the metal of the name plate to warm himself up.  Note how he's looking at me.

I guess this Anole is using the metal of the name plate to warm himself up. Note how he's looking at me.

Apparently, the name plates are popular among the Anoles.  He's a cutie.

Apparently, the name plates are popular among the Anoles. He's a cutie.

I made Phil take this one because I wasn't about to get that close to the spider.  I felt safe with the other Writing Spider cause he had been on the other side of the web.  Spiders give me the willies.

I made Phil take this one because I wasn't about to get that close to the spider. I felt safe with the other Writing Spider cause he had been on the other side of the web. Spiders give me the willies.

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More Pictures From Riverbanks Zoo

bya Gabrielle at 7:00 AM

I told you that I took 195 some pictures when Phil and I went to Riverbanks Zoo this past weekend, so it should come as no surprise that all of these posts are zoo related.  I’ll get on to something new soon.  I just haven’t been taking any pictures or videos of anything interesting lately.  The zoo was the first time out and about with my camera in a long time.

I love cats, but I know if Morgan Rose had been this big, she would eaten me alive the first time I told her no.

I love cats, but I know if Morgan Rose had been this big, she would eaten me alive the first time I told her no.

Animals at the zoo seem to be in a perpetual state of sleep.  Maybe the zoo keepers feed them sleeping pills.

Animals at the zoo seem to be in a perpetual state of sleep. Maybe the zoo keepers feed them sleeping pills.

I took 16 pictures of this stupid bird(hawk) while he was participating in a bird show, and this is the only one that didn't turn out blurry.  His name is Houdini.

I took 16 pictures of this stupid bird(hawk) while he was participating in a bird show, and this is the only one that didn't turn out blurry. His name is Houdini.

A pretty flower I stumbled across.

A pretty flower I stumbled across.

A sleepy Koala.  Maybe he is dreaming of the wild he'll never get to live in.

A sleepy Koala. Maybe he is dreaming of the wild he'll never get to live in.

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