Introducing Quantum, Our Sugar Glider
I know all of you are chomping at the bits to find out what exactly Phil and I purchased at the Pendergrass Flea Market, so I won’t keep you waiting any longer.
Everyone, this is Quantuam, the 9 1/2 week old Sugar Glider, weighing in at about 1 oz.
It was very, very difficult taking his picture. He kept trying to hide on my back, where for the most part he is out of my reach.
Isn’t he just the most adorable thing you have ever seen?
He hasn’t bonded with us quite yet. That could take a while, but I think he likes us a lot better since we brought him home on Sunday. He doesn’t seem to be biting me as much as he was. Thankfully, his bite isn’t that bad. It only feels like a pinch. Now that I am used to it, I just laugh at him when he tries to ravish my fingers.
So far his favorite foods are grapes and apples. I tried feeding him some meal worms, but he didn’t want anything to do with them. He needs protein though, so Phil cooked him some scrambled eggs last night – which he seemed to enjoy. Supposedly, he likes chicken, too, but we haven’t fed him that yet.
I have a video of him, but for some reason it looks like complete crap on YouTube. I’ve got to figure out why, and then I will come back and post it here. Until then, enjoy the pictures!
hey hows Quantum doing?
August 18, 2009 @ 4:43 PM