I’m still participating in Postcrossing, just not at the speed I was when I first started. International stamps are expensive, especially when you are sending out 6 or so postcards at a time every week and a half. Well, I’ve been a bit busy(lazy) lately, and so I’ve neglected my duty to scan in my postcards. I finally got around to it after I got back from Atlanta.
So, here we go. First up, Germany.

What a cute little abode.
I think I am going to start a list of places I HAVE to go to before I die, and I am going to use some of the postcards I receive to help me make that list.
Macedonia! I probably never would have received a postcard from there, had Ana not offered to send me one. To thank her, I sent her one. If you want to see my personal card, you’ll have to scroll down a bit, or go to the next page. Ana gets lots and lots of postcards. She goes into a lot more detail on her postcards that I do. It’s pretty neat, you should check it out.

For some reason, I’m always interested in what a person’s handwriting will look like. I guess it’s like trying to figure out what a person will look like if you have never met them.

Wellington looks very similar to Hong Kong. Tall buildings. Bright lights. Mountains in the distance. Water. I really wish New Zealand wasn’t so far away.

I’ve sent/received 3 postcards from New Zealand. One from the top. One from the bottom. And now one from the middle. Heh. Only I would find something like that interesting.

A lot of people argue that there is no point in traveling overseas because there is so much to see in their country of residence. I really should make a point to visit more of my country. I’m always jealous of people that live in Europe. They have some many countries nearby.

The freaky thing about this postcard is that I accidentally stumbled upon her blog before I got her postcard. What are the odds of a postcrosser having a blog, me finding it, and then later receiving a postcard from that user without ever asking that person to send one? Strange, I tell you, strange.
I officially dislike ad cards now.

And this is why.

My very fist postcard from Thailand. I always like it when a new country arrives in my mailbox.
Only 7572 postcards have been sent from Thailand. I feel lucky.

This is a postcard from Sybil who lives in Turkey. She keeps sending me the most interesting postcards. This one here depicts “A circumcision ceremony during the time of Sultan Ahmed III.” They had ceremonies? Very interesting.
I always like getting cards from Sybil because she provides me with lots of reading material. 🙂
My mom told me over the phone that I had received a postcard that had people standing on a roof. I pictured something a lot more wild in my head, let me tell you, but when I got home and saw it, I was pleasantly surprised to find out why they were standing on the roof. What a very exciting wedding! That must be one strong roof, though, to hold that many people.
I really think that Sybil may have the gift of gab. It’s not a bad thing, though. I learn a lot when people have much to say.
now im all “ears” (eyes would be more adequate though) coz i really want to know what an image my sloppy handwriting on that card, creates about me…seriously! Im curious 😛
btw, the ad-card aint that bad, if it the event maybe wasnt so outdated 🙂
and i wish we here had such interesting and unusual postcards as they do in Turkey…ive came to the conclusion that apart from the usual touristic postcards, i cant even find cards with cats and dogs!!! heh, that feels so limited 🙁
anyway, its nice to see my card accommodated here 😛
July 10, 2008 @ 3:40 PM
Hey Gabrielle, thanks for the comments you left on my blog after you read Lost in China. I appreciate the positive feedback. That means a lot coming from a fellow blogger. The comment you left about what I write now will be what I remember when I leave, resonated with me, and I think given those words have given me extra incentive to capture with words the stories and events that I haven’t yet found the time to document. I think I can benefit from the knowledge attained from your experience here in Fuyang, so any information you have on life here. – good places to visit, that sort of thing, I would very much appreciate.
Well, I’ve read a few more passages from your archives on mysterious and misplaced logic of a manic gone awry – good title by the way. I read the almost harrowing post about your return to the States. Everytime I read your blog, I start to really value how lucky Rob and I are to have landed jobs with the company and hosts that we work alongside. Everyone is so genuine and helpful, so there hasn’t been any time when we feel our services are being exploited. It sounds like you had a torrid time getting home Gabby. I also read the comments section. I was surprised to see how many scathing comments there were of you and your decisions, you’d expect the tone to be a little more sympathetic, given what you went through. Some people seemed to blame you for choosing private. In my opinion that is absurd. Private schools account for a great number of the employers out here so a person intending to teach in China can’t afford to ignore them, fearing they are all corrupt. I guess Rob and my experience is the counter-point to the ordeal you had to endure. There does seem to be an element of pot-luck involve as to whether you land a good job or bad job though in China. I guess Rob were fortunate. Well, anyway, I’m adding new posts to the blog this week. There are some pics of a beautiful little Oasis that I hope I am the first ever Westerner to discover since it was buried deep in the hills. I’m going to post pictures. If you’ve been there, could you tell me? So I can confirm or deny the feeling that I have that I’m the first Westerner to go there.
July 10, 2008 @ 10:51 PM