Not many blossoms left to take pictures of. I love standing under a tree and having the blossoms rain down on me.
Hrm . . . how did these ever slip by me? Very good question. Well, I suppose late is better than never, or so they say, right?
This isn’t the best picture of a dragonfly that I have taken, but I really did love his color. I chased him around for a good ten minutes before he decided to sit long enough for me to get this picture. I tried getting closer, but he kept flittering away like I was scary or something. The nerve of some dragonflies!
If it is purple, I might take a picture. If it is purple and happens to be a flower, I must take a picture. This little flower reminds me of a picture I took at the Wanshi Botanical Garden in Xiamen, China, way back when, but it isn’t quite as frightening. Still pretty, though.
My camera may be awesome, but it wasn’t quite as awesome as I needed it to be in order to capture this little guy in complete focus. There were a bunch of lizards out and about that day, but he seemed especially interested in the Canon I had hanging around my neck. Had I not hear him scurrying underneath the leaves, I seriously doubt I would have ever seen him. He almost blends in perfectly with tree.
Once upon a time, I used to take pictures of benches, and I had this crazy idea that I was going to make a coffee table book entitled, Bitch’n Benches and Some Pretty Flowers. Like many of my ideas, he never took off, and I never made my coffee table book. I still take pictures of benches, though, just in case.
Even though spiders freak me out, I love taking pictures of them. I love looking at and admiring them, but the instance they touch me – all bets are off! I have an awful habit of getting too close when I try to use my macro lens. On more than one occasion my lens has touched the spider or the web, and well, I might as well have petted them when that happens because I always instantly transform into Little Miss Muffet and start screaming as I aim for the hills. Spiders are beautiful, but I hate each of the eight freaky legs!
I may have been tired a lot of the time I was in China and used that as an excuse not to blog, but at least I had stories to tell had I made my lazy butt type. So far, in 2009, nothing interesting has happened to me to be deemed blog worthy.
Besides putting our table project on hold until we have more time and good weather, the only thing Phil and i have been doing is house hunting. We’ve been looking rather seriously for nearly 2 months now. We haven’t had a lot of luck. It’s supposed to be a buyer’s market right now, so you would think it would be a little easier to find what we are looking for. So far, every thing we have found and been really interested in has either had a major flaw or been sold by the time we found it. Tomorrow we are taking a second look at a downtown property that seems to have some potential. Hopefully, we won’t find anything really wrong with it. If the viewing goes well, then we have to jump the hurdle called a “short sale”. It could be a risky buy, so Phil is going to have to do some serious thinking before he signs any paper work. I’ll let you know how it goes.
And since I have absolutely nothing else to talk about, I am going to post a picture of a purple flower that I took back in 2005. I was in to purple way before it became the cool color.
I told you that I took 195 some pictures when Phil and I went to Riverbanks Zoo this past weekend, so it should come as no surprise that all of these posts are zoo related. I’ll get on to something new soon. I just haven’t been taking any pictures or videos of anything interesting lately. The zoo was the first time out and about with my camera in a long time.
Great picture! That might be a contest winner!
April 22, 2012 @ 9:47 PM