
Rejection Letter #53

bya Gabrielle at 1:43 PM

I hope that I don’t get a rejection letter on my birthday this year.  This one showed up on my husband’s.

I’ve decided that AGNI really hates my Jenny character, so when I ever I get around to writing the other parts, I’ll just skip them all together. (I’m lying of course. I’ll send my stories anywhere they have even the tiniest chance.)

Rejection Letter #53 – AGNI

Dear Gabrielle Olexa:

Thank you for sending “Jenny Kissed Me.” Your work received careful consideration here.

We’ve decided this manuscript isn’t right for us, but we wish you luck placing it elsewhere.

Kind regards,

The Editors

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Rejection Letter #52

bya Gabrielle at 1:35 PM

When I sent this off, my husband said, “Where is that one going?”

“Alaska,” I said.

He looked at me for a second and then started laughing. (Great moral support, yeah, I know.) “I think it’s time to quit and just self-publish.”

But I’m not a quitter.  I’m nothing if not persistent, and my husband knows that. Besides I REALLY want my cupcake rejection party. I’d have that party a lot sooner if I’d write more, but eh, that’s a different story for another day.

This one, I’d like to note, came back quickly, too. Less than a month, so thanks for that!

Anyway . . .

Rejection Letter #52 – Alaska Quarterly Review


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Rejection Letter #51

bya Gabrielle at 6:56 PM

A few things about this rejection hailing from Zoetrope: All-Story.

1. They were very fast in responding to me. I sent this out on September 8th, and I got the rejection today, September 26th.  That’s 18 days, folks! So, if nothing else, Zoetrope, thank you for not making me wait a year for how you felt about my little story.

2. They totally got my name wrong. People often mispronounce it or will put an A at the end like they did, but rarely do they mess up when writing it. I’m thinking of changing my name to Gabriella to appease all parties. At least they didn’t write Abagail. For some reason, I get that a lot.  I figure I have an evil twin somewhere. Still looking for her.  If you spy her out in the world, please let me know. 🙂

3. Only 49 more rejections until I get to have my rejection party!

Rejection Letter #51 – Zoetrope: All-Story



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Rejection Letter #50

bya Gabrielle at 12:38 PM

I found out about this rejection a day before the email went out because I signed into their system and saw that it was complete. And the email that was sent wasn’t really a rejection. It was more like – “Hey, these guys won, but not you, thanks for playing!” I didn’t even get an honorable mention. Sad face. I’m kinda mad that I took the chance and paid the $20 to enter.  I typically don’t pay any reading fees, but Glimmer Train is legit, and hell, I had to try. I do believe in my story, so that’s why I did it, but I think I’ll not be paying anyone else to read it, regardless of the possible amount I could win in addition to getting published.

But so I don’t look like a sore loser – congratulations to the other guys and gals!

Rejection #50 – Glimmer Train – Fiction Open

No image available. Just a stupid email congratulating everyone except for me.

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UR by Stephen King – Review

bya Gabrielle at 7:15 PM

            I’ve never wanted a Kindle for a mountain of reasons. Mine aren’t any different from the scores of others who refuse to jump on that bandwagon, but after listening to the audiobook version of UR by Stephen King, I’m not going to lie, the thought crossed my mind. I even went to Amazon to see how much one cost.

I’m usually just a straight-up reader of King. And that’s true for any book, but since I’ve had very little time lately to read one—having a baby does that—the idea of plugging in some earbuds to get a dose of King seemed liked a logical idea. Though like Wesley Smith, I much prefer the paper in between my fingers.

Going in, I had no idea what to expect from this book. I barely even read the synopsis.  Literally, the only things I knew were that an English professor and a Kindle were involved. I had zero expectations—though I did wonder what kind of horror tale King could possibly spin out of an eReader. And really, that’s the best way to approach a book in my opinion. You have no set limits for either your love or hate for it. (I did have to force myself to forget that Cell existed.)

Overall, I really enjoyed the story and the characters. The pacing was maybe a teensy slow in the beginning, but that was caused in my opinion by King setting everything up for what would happen later, so I don’t really take issue with that point. Lots of people give King grief for being wordy, but I actually like it. There’s too much spoon fed fiction out there. King’s stories have substance. They’re like an onion, lots of tasty layers.

 Numerous times I found myself laughing out loud or snickering at phrases or comebacks made by characters. I’m glad no one was around to see me or else they would have thought me mad. I’m going to have to listen to it again, just so I can jot some of them down to use in my everyday life.

I loved all the glimpses into the different possible realities. Though some were naturally dark and depressing, there were a lot of more light-hearted looks into all the ways our world could have been. It really made me stop and think about my own existence and what another version of me may have done on a different Earth had circumstances been altered. I found I could relate to Wesley’s train of thought.

One reason I’m always skeptical about listening to audiobooks is the narrator. No matter how good a story is, it’s the skill of the person reading to you that can make or break the experience. Having never listened to Holter Graham before, I was a bit apprehensive, even though I knew I was only going to have to listen to him for 2 hours and 20 minutes. But a few minutes in, I knew there was no reason to worry, and I was sucked right in. I have no idea what Graham looks like, but his voice is downright sexy. I refuse to do an image search for him to find out he’s not. My only real criticism for him is that sometimes I had a hard time figuring out which male part was speaking. Occasionally they blended together, especially when three men were talking one after the other. At the same time though, I appreciated him not trying too hard to differentiate between all the speakers. I felt he brought the characters to life and made them relatable. His performance was great, and I would gladly listen to him read to me again.

If you’re a Dark Tower fan, you’ll eat this story up. It’s been a long time since I’ve followed Roland and his Ka-Tet, so getting a glimpse back into that world, even a little, put a smile on my face. It made me wish King would just sit down and write books that connected back in some way all the time, though so many of his books already do. I guess I can never get enough.

I just want to know if the people over at Amazon slipped King some “thankya” bucks(before or after he wrote it). Or if one day he received a pink Kindle in the mail with 1-day shipping from a friend or a dedicated Constant Reader. I know I’d gladly take one because one day I’ll have read all of King’s stories in this UR.

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Pretty and Purple

bya Gabrielle at 8:05 AM


A long time ago I took this picture.  It was purple, covered in dew or rain, therefore beautiful. I just wish the spider web had shown up clearer.

Pretty Flower



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University of South Carolina Features Me in Article

bya Gabrielle at 5:17 PM

Ok, so I still haven’t received my first acceptance letter, but something just as cool happened, and I wanted to share it with everyone! Last week I was contacted by Chris Horn at USC.  He was interested in doing a story on audiobook narration. Since I now have three titles under my belt and I happened to graduate from USC, I was the perfect person to go to.

Gabrielle at Mic


I guess he found me interesting enough because he posted the story for all the world to see.  It’s exciting stuff.  You can read the article in its entirety here.  Doing this interview has really made me miss my long days in the studio.  I want to get back to recording very badly.  My friend, Shaun McCoy, has so many more stories for me to record! He just won’t quit writing.  🙂 So maybe while I wait for more rejection letters or gasp, acceptance letters, maybe that’s what I can do – record. If only Ash would let me.  Being a stay-at-home mom makes narrating a book especially difficult.


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New iPhone App Territorial – Start Claiming Your Dog’s Land(FREE)

bya Gabrielle at 1:19 PM

Do you have a dog?

What about an iPhone?

Okay, now the important question.  Do you walk your dog or take it places?

You do?! Then I have a great new app for you.  It’s called Territorial.  The premise is simple.  You take your dog out and when he/she relieves himself, you click a button that says “OWN IT”, and that little plot of land is yours, or rather your dog’s, until another dog comes along and does the same thing.  It’s a game, and the goal is to claim and keep as much territory as you can.

Below is a picture of  the street my dog, Meili, has decided can be shared by no one. She’s made it her life mission to destroy all red dots – those are other people’s dogs marking their territories. She stole back a few places yesterday and has made it her goal to get the rest when she goes on her walk today. Friendly competition is what makes this game so much fun!


My Territories


There’s a cool leaderboard that you can be on and climb as you claim more territories! Meili obviously doesn’t have enough urges to go because as you can see, I’m in 3rd place, and this is my freaking app! And by my app, I mean, my husband, Phil, made it for me. If he created apps for every idea I had, he’d have to quit his job. Not sure why he decided to make this one, out of all the others I’ve had, but I generally don’t ask questions when he does nice things. But anyway, your name could be on this leaderboard, too, you just need to download this app to your iPhone and start walking your dog! Have I mentioned it’s FREE? Free is awesome!



Right now there are four achievements you can unlock. We plan to add more in future builds, but right now you can be a puppy, a dog, a wolf, and an alpha! Isn’t all this exciting? You know your dog is itching to conquer the world, one bowel movement at a time, so hurry up and download this app and start marking your dog’s land!



If you have any suggestions for future builds, please drop me a line.  I’d love to hear from you.  Oh, and please tell all your friends, both furry and not!


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What Will My Number Be?

bya Gabrielle at 12:51 PM

Currently, I am up to 49 beautiful rejections for the three stories I’ve been trying to find homes for.

16 for Jenny of Lebanon, 30 for Jenny Kissed Me, and three for Honk for Ferry.

Will I get 100 rejections? 200? Could 50 be my lucky number?

Only time will tell, I suppose, but I wish I knew.  Someone, somewhere will eventually publish me, right? Someone other than me?

I’ve spent some time editing both JoL and JKM lately, trying to make them better, but I’m reaching that point, hell, I passed that point years ago, where the story is just as good as it’s gonna get.  Time to move on and write other stories. I’ve used the little criticism I got for JKM and changed her up considerably.  I’m hoping when I submit her again, she will be better received. After 30 rejections, though, are there any legitimate places left to send her?  I suppose I’ll figure that out, too, just as soon as I start looking for some new places.

My number is out there waiting for me. And the only way to get to it is to keep submitting and trying. Even if it means more depressing as shit rejection letters.

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Rejection Letter #49

bya Gabrielle at 8:31 PM

Well, that didn’t take long at all.

I manually sent my manuscript to The Paris Review on June 5th, and this past Saturday, June 20th, I received my teeny tiny rejection form.  I thought they would take around five months to get back to me, which is what they say on their website.  I’m glad I don’t have to wait, but a rejection that fast sorta stings! I honestly don’t think they even read the first page. They probably opened up my folder, grabbed my SASE, slipped in their standard rejection form, licked it,  sealed  it and threw it in their outgoing mail stack.  So, the most personal thing I got from them is their spit. Joy.

51 more to go until I get to eat 100 cupcakes!

Rejection Letter #49 – The Paris Review

The Paris Review

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