
Bored Senseless

bya Gabrielle at 4:16 PM

I have absolutely nothing to blog about.  No crazy stories.  No pictures. No nothing.

My life is about as exciting as watching paint dry.

My DnD characters are having more adventure in their lives than me and they aren’t even real.

How sad is that?

My travel money is burning in my pocket, but I can’t use it for another year.

I think I am bound to go crazy.

Absolutely mad!

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Mario’s Mushroom

bya Gabrielle at 9:44 PM

Phil and I were walking around Sesquicentennial State Park and happened upon this cute little mushroom.  It reminded me so much of the mushroom you find in Mario games that I was tempted to eat just to see if I would become the 50 foot woman.  I would have loved to reek havoc on the the guests at the park that day.  Heh.
This reminds me of the mushroom that would make Mario bigger.

This reminds me of the mushroom that would make Mario bigger.

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The Wii-Venture

bya Gabrielle at 6:17 PM

* This post was started some time ago, and finally just got around to finishing it.

Several months ago, Phil called me up, and said, “You are going to kill me,  . . . . but I bought a Playstation 3.”

He was right.

“You did what?” I screamed back.

I am Phil’s financial angel of sorts.  I sit on his shoulder and tell him what I think would be a good or bad purchase. I had been sitting on his shoulder for well over a month telling him I didn’t think buying a PS3 for the purpose of getting a Blu-Ray player was worth it.  I told him just to wait, and maybe he would get one(a Blu-Ray) for Christmas or something.  This tactic worked for a while, but I could see the want factor starting to shine through. I guess I just didn’t realize how bright the want factor was because as soon as I left him alone for a weekend, he trotted off to the store and bought one.  Of course, he didn’t buy it without any outside influence.  With me gone, a little devil appeared on Phil’s other shoulder.  The little devil was Phil’s brother, Steve.

“Your brother played a part in this, didn’t he?” I asked.


“And he whispered, ‘Buy me, buy me’, in your ear, didn’t he?”

“Yeah, you should of heard him.”

“And what about me?  What did I have to say?”

“Well, I sorta stopped listening to you and flicked you off my shoulder.  Sorry, Gabe, but Steve the Devil won.”

That is when I told him that it was his money, and that he could do anything with it, but that I thought a Nintendo Wii would have been a much better investment.  This was of course the more evil side of Gabe trying to worm the idea of buying a Wii into Phil’s brain.  🙂

For the next couple of weeks, every time we would go to Best Buy or Game Stop to see the PS3 games available, I would make Phil look at the Wii games, too.  I wanted to point out all games we could have been playing had he bought a Wii instead.  He always laughed at me and then used the excuse that we would have to find a Wii first before we could buy it.  This is when Wii’s were next to impossible to find.  Well, somehow my insistent behavior started to wear Phil down because out of the blue one day, Phil suggested that we start looking for one.  He thought it would be an adventure.  Phil likes adventures.  That is the only reason I think he decided to join me in China. 🙂

The search began with us going to stores in our free time just to see if anyone had one in stock. The answer was always,  “No, and good luck.”  We found out from Wal-Mart that Wii’s were delivered by UPS Monday through Friday and usually at lunch time.  Wal-Mart said that they didn’t know when they were going to get them until they arrived, but that we could always call and ask if they had.  So, for the next several weeks, on the weekends or when we would be out running errands, we would run into stores that could possibly have them and ask.  The answer still hadn’t changed.

One Friday, Phil decided that he was sick of stores not having a Wii in stock and wanted to search until he found one.  He jokingly said that he didn’t care if he had to drive all the way to Georgia.  I told him that he just might have to do that considering every store in Columbia that we had checked was sold out.  I also told him that it would be wiser to wait until Saturday morning since most stores beside Wal-Mart were already closed.  It was after nine.

I doubted that we would get out of bed early enough the next day to actually search because Phil loves to sleep, but a little after nine in the morning, my friend Shaun decided to call and wake us the hell up.  He wanted to know if I was going to show up at DnD or not – at 9:15 in the freaking morning.  We don’t start playing til around 2!! The phone call was somehow enough to wake Phil up and get him out of bed, which is a miracle in and of itself at 9:15 a.m., especially on a Saturday.  He looked at me and said, “Lets go find a Wii.”

An hour or two later, yeah, we are slower than molasses, we headed out on our own Wii Venture!  We didn’t have any sort of plan.  We just drove.

We ended up first at a K-mart we hadn’t been to yet, but they said they didn’t have one.  We swung by a Wal-Mart that we don’t go to often, but they didn’t have any either.  Across the street was a GameStop and decided to check it out even though they never have them.  Surprisingly, they said they had one, but it was used – still in good condition, but used.  We were given the option to buy a waranty, but we decided to wait to and see if we could find a new one else where.  While we were there, though, we noticed they had a Wii Fit in stock, which was and still is sometimes hard to find. We made a mental note to come back for it if our adventure was sucessful.  We ran to a Best Buy and another Game Stop, but no dice.  Even though we had been to it a hundred times we decided to swing by the Wal-Mart near Phil’s apartment, but the shelves were empty there, too. We were starting to get depressed.  We had almost exhausted the stores in the near vicinity.  I didn’t want to drive all over South Carolina to just to find a Wii, but it was starting to look like that.  We were on a time schedule, too.  I had to be at DnD at 2:00.

Several miles up the road, a new Wal-Mart had been built, and since we never go there, we thought we should check it out.  As we walked into the store, I crossed all my finger and toes.  I walked up to the lady at the electronics counter and asked the same question I had been asking all morning.

“Do you have an Wii’s in stock?”

She shook her head and said, “No.”  My hope instantly deflated.  “But,” she continued, “The Winnsboro Wal-Mart has tons of them.  You should go there, but you are the third person we’ve told, so I would hurry.”

As soon as we figured out how to get to Winnsboro, we ran for the exit and quickly sped away in Phil’s Buick Skylark hoping for the best.  For those of you who don’t know, who I am assuming to be the majority, Winnsboro is a small city/town about 25 miles away.  Not too far I know, but far enough to try and find a Wii!  The whole way there, Phil and I tried to figure out the odds of actually finding one.  Winnsboro is pretty small, and I couldn’t imagine them having many in stock.  Plus,  there were the three other customers who had been told the same thing as us.  They could very well have gotten there and bought the last of them.  I again crossed my fingers.

I’m sure the people in the parking lot thought we were nuts.  As soon as the car was in a parking spot, Phil and I leaped out of the car and took of running for the front door. We were walking like our shoes were on fire.  The set up of the store was a little different than what we were used to, but we eventually found the seemingly floating electronic sign telling us where to go.

I got to the aisle first.  My eyes immediately began to scan the glass cases.  Xbox, PS3, PS2, NDS, and then finally, the Wii section.  And there she was – pretty as could be.  I couldn’t believe it.  I think I may have danced a little.  🙂

There were no Wal-Mart associates near by, so I made Phil stand watch while I went and found one.  Eventually, I found one hiding and demanded that she let my Wii free.  Minutes later we were the proud owners of a brand new Nintendo Wii.  I let Phil carry it out because I just knew I would stumble, fall, and kill it.  That sort of thing always happens to me.

On the way home, we remembered that one of the Game Stops had a Wii Fit.  I had wanted one for a long time – my jeans are too tight – so off we went to add it to our joyous day.  A smidge after two we arrived home.  Phil immediately began to set it up, but I had no time to stay and play. I had Orcs and demons to slay.  The waiting was torture!!

It’s been weeks now since we bought the Wii, and I can say that I am very happy.  I wish that I had more time to play because there are a lot of cute games out there.  Perhaps over the holidays I can finally enjoy it to its fullest.  I’ll be looking forward to it. I’ll surely need the Wii Fit after I eat a turkey and a couple of pumpkin pies.  🙂

And if for some reason you came upon this post because you can’t decide which system to blow your money on – I’ll leave with the four reasons why you should choose a Wii over a PS3 any day of the week.

1) It’s way cheaper. (Who cares if the graphics don’t make me feel like I’m standing in realistic world besides my own.)

2) It’s way cuter.  (I’m sorry, but Mario and all of his crazy-ass friends stole my heart at the age of – I don’t know – I was young.)

3) It’s way more interactive. (The PS3’s 6 axis controller can kiss my butt.)

4) And the games and add-ons are cheaper, too. (You’ll get many more games to play out of your dollar if you go the Wii way.)

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Some Things Just Sound Wrong Part 3

bya Gabrielle at 11:27 AM

I was driving down Elmwood a few weeks ago(yeah, I am such a slacker when it comes to blogging now-a-days), when I looked up at a banner stretching across the road.  What I read made me laugh out loud.  If you recall from other Some Things Just Sound Wrong posts, my mind lives in the gutter 24/7.  I am sure that the hundreds of other people driving underneath the banner didn’t think twice about it, but it sure made me question the marketing/advertising department of one of the two entities associated with the banner.  I’ll let you decided.  The banner read as follows:


The banner also indicated the wheres and whens, but I can’t remember and I am sure you don’t care.  Sistercare for those of you who don’t know is a great organization that helps women who are in abusive relationships.  They give them food, clothes, and a place to live so that they don’t have to go home to their crazy boyfriend or husband.  I wonder if their is a BrotherCare?  Hrm.  Never thought of that.

If you don’t get the humor in the banner, no worries, you are probably better off.  If you do though, have a good laugh and a good rest of the day. 🙂

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All Hail The Purple Queen

bya Gabrielle at 10:40 AM

As I mentioned in a previous post, I decided to be a Purple Queen for Halloween.  The thought only really occurred to me after I opened my dad’s birthday present that arrived the day before Halloween.  Inside the box was an awesome purple shirt that said “Everything purple is mine.  Everything else can be dyed of painted.”  It was totally a Gabe shirt.  There was also a purple newsboy style hat. It was then that the thought hit me.  I ran to my closet and pulled out everything purple that would go together.  You would be surprised how my purple I own.  I had Phil take some pictures of me to document the purple awesomeness that was me.  🙂  I just wanted a picture of me in my getup, but no, I had to pose and look pretty, too.  Of course, the photo shoot went to Phil’s head, and now he thinks he can be a professional photographer, just like he now thinks he should be a pie maker because he made a really nice pumpkin pie for my birthday.  Well, anyway, All Hail The Purple Queen Gabe!!  🙂


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I Voted

bya Gabrielle at 12:39 PM

Thank GOD!  The election is finally over!!! There just aren’t words to express how happy I am.  I had just about had it with the news and the newspapers and the gossip floating around the people I see on a regular basis.

There was a while where I just didn’t feel like voting.  My voice, my vote, has never, ever seemed all that important in the grand scheme of things.  Also, I always feel so very uneducated about who is running.  There are so many half truths and absolute lies out there that you cannot be sure who to believe.  They really should make a law that says anything less than 100% true, concerning the candidates, can’t be written or talked about – at least in the mainstream media – all the news outlets and newspapers.  That way, everyone hears the same thing – not just the bits and pieces of what they want you to hear.  I think that would make life so much easier.

I did vote, even though I wasn’t entirely sure who I wanted to cast my vote for.  I thought about voting for myself, or the tree on Elm Street, but I thought that would be a complete waste, more so than my actual vote, so I didn’t.  Other than voting because it is my constitutional right to vote, I voted so that I could bitch.  You can’t complain about who is in office and what he/she does while he/she is there unless you partake, right?  All of you non-voters – I don’t want to hear a peep out of you!!!

Am I happy about the results?  It is hard to say.  I want Obama to do well.  But had McCain won instead, I think I would still feel the same way, because in the end I didn’t trust either of them to do the job that America needs done.  I know that change, and I hating using that word, won’t come any time soon, nothing of any importance ever does, but I hope that the seed is planted so that the roots may start to grow.  I really hope that Obama watches that seed grow and takes care of it like he says he will.  I would hate to see it wither and die like my garden in my backyard.  I’ll keep my fingers crossed and hold my breath for the next four years.

Good luck, America.

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bya Gabrielle at 10:43 AM

What do you think it means when I dream Phil is a vampire and he is trying to blow my house up with C4?

I think it means I have been reading too much of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series.  I’m on book four now.  When I am done, I won’t know what to do with myself.  Any suggestions on what I should read next?

I don't know why, but I found this rather humorous.

I don't why, but I found this humorous.

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Only Four

bya Gabrielle at 10:12 AM

Phil and I made sure that we had plenty of candy to share with the many kids who live in his apartment complex, but would you believe that only four kids showed up at our door?  And only one of them actually had a costume on!  I’m guessing that either A) the parent’s of the other kids took them to bigger subdivisions or B) all of the “Halloween is the Devil” people are living here and refuse to participate – which I hope is not the case.  I feel bad for kids who don’t get to dress up as some exotic person or creature and run around collecting candy one night a year.

Today at work though, I saw the cutest mother and son costume.  The mother was the Chiquita Bannana woman, and her son was a organic Chiquita Bannana.  The woman totally looked liked the Chiquita lady – basket on her head and all.  I wish I had my camera on me!

She looked almost exactly like this picture.

She looked almost exactly like this picture.

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Happy Halloween!

bya Gabrielle at 8:24 AM

I think Morgan was Basement Cat.  Perhaps she went back to Hell to make sure all the other hell cats were behaving themselves.

I think Morgan was Basement Cat. Perhaps she went back to Hell to make sure all the other hell cats were behaving themselves.

I’ve finally decided what to be for Halloween.  The Purple Queen!  You’ll understand when I take some pictures and upload them later. And I didn’t have to spend a dime.  Horray!  Everything came free of charge out of my wardrobe.  Can’t beat that.

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Hey, Wal-Mart, You’re So Classy

bya Gabrielle at 11:24 AM

Last night Phil and I went to Wal-Mart to just walk around.  We do that sometimes, if we have nothing else better to do.  Yeah, we live such exciting lives.  🙂  Well, when we got there, I had to run to the bathroom.  I had just had like 6 glasses of sweet tea at Pho Viet, a Vietnamese restaurant.

I hate public bathrooms.  More often than not, they are pretty dirty because no one ever bothers to clean them on any sort of semi basis, but when you have to go, you have to go.  Stall one was occupied, stall two wasn’t the prettiest, stall three was a disaster, and stall four was occupied, as well. I decided to go back to stall two, it seemed like the safest bet.  Everything about stall two was normal except for one thing.  Sitting on top of the sanitary napkin trash can was an EPT pregnancy test.  I let out a good laugh. I am sure the people in stall one and four thought I had just lost my mind.

I could visualize some oversexed teenager walking into Wal-Mart, buying the test hoping she didn’t run into anyone who may recognize her, taking her purchased good into the bathroom and hoping for the absolute best.  I’m sure the test was in there somewhere, but I wasn’t about to go looking around for it.  I hope the results are what she wanted.  I can’t imagine that she came to the Wal-Mart bathroom hoping that the symbol on the stick said positive, but who knows, we live in a strange world.

A part of my soul hopes I will never ever have to use one of these things.

A part of my soul hopes I will never ever have to use one of these things.

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