
Rejection Letter #60

bya Gabrielle at 10:04 AM

The only way I’m going to reach 100 rejections and have my cupcake  party is by writing and submitting more. I’ve more or less exhausted my search for a home for my Jenny stories. At present, there are three remaining places considering them, and let’s be honest, after all the rejections I’ve received thus far, I have absolutely zero hope I’ll get a different response. But maybe the universe will surprise me. That’ would be nice. ARE YOU LISTENING UNIVERSE?!

The only reason why I know I got this rejection is because I signed into Submittable and noticed I had one less story in review. Typically, when a story is rejected there, I get an email, but I guess it got eaten because it never came.

Rejection Letter #60 – Virginia Quarterly Review

Dear Gabrielle Olexa, 

Thank you for sending us ‘Jenny Kissed Me.’ We appreciate the chance to consider this submission. Unfortunately, it does not fit our needs at this time. 

The Editors 
Virginia Quarterly Review 


Categories: rejection,writing
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