
Rejection Letter #7

bya Gabrielle at 1:43 PM

Rejection letter lucky number seven comes courtesy of One Story, a publication I actually subscribe to because I like how they only feature a single writer only one time, ever, and that the publication itself has, well, one story.  I wish they would do something similar for slightly longer stories.

Only 93 more rejection letters before I officially change my name to Rejection Letter Queen Olexa.  Kinda has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

At least they said they enjoyed it.  I wish they had enjoyed just a wee bit more.  Oh, well.  There is always next time . . .

Rejection Letter #7 – One Story

Dear Gabrielle Olexa:

Thank you for sending us “Jenny Kissed Me”. We really enjoyed this piece, but we didn’t feel it was right for One Story.

We hope that you will continue to send us your work.


The Editors of One Story

Categories: rejection,writing
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