
Three Days of April and the Rejection Letters They’ve Delivered

bya Gabrielle at 1:38 PM

It had been so long since I’d received a rejection letter that I’d nearly forgotten what one felt or looked like.  So, April, being the meanest month ever, decided to give me three, one for each day so far to make sure I wouldn’t forget anytime soon.  Thanks, April, thanks so much.

Rejection #11 – Slice Magazine

Dear Gabrielle Olexa:

Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to consider your work for Slice. Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we regret that we aren’t able to respond to each submission personally. We’ve been thoroughly impressed by the quality of the work that we’ve received. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to include your piece in our next issue of Slice. We’d love to consider more of your work in the future, though, so please do continue submitting to us.

Best wish

The Editors


Rejection #12 – carte blanche

Dear Gabrielle Olexa,

Thank you for sending us ‘Jenny Kissed Me’. We appreciate the chance to read it. Unfortunately, the piece is not right for us at this moment.

Thanks again and best of luck with your writing.

The Editors
carte blanche


And lucky Rejection #13 – Pinball

Dear Gabrielle,

We appreciated the opportunity to get to know ‘Jenny Kissed Me,’ but we decided that it’s not for us. The best way to get a feel for what we’re looking for is to get to know Pinball at http://www.thisispinball.com. If you haven’t already, please read what’s available on our site or purchase the ebook of an issue.

Thanks again for sending us your work and best of luck placing it elsewhere.


The Editors


Here’s to hoping April showers bring me May flowers.  Some flowers would be nice.


Categories: rejection,writing
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